I've been in pain. An intense emotional pain. But also a physical very tangible sort of pain.
December 6, 2003 - I do!
May 22, 2007 - D's vasectomy reversal.
May 24, 2007 - First normal pap result since cervical cancer in 2001.
June, 2007 - Officially start TTC.
August, 2007 - Spotting between periods. OBGYN says don't worry, it's a good fertility sign (bah!). Painful periods.
October 22, 2007 - 3 days late. BFN.
January, 2008 - Hormone tests taken - all normal.
March, 2008 - D's 1st "date" with a cup. Low count, motility and abnormal morphology. Not good.
October 9, 2008 - Ultrasound. Suspected uterine polyp.
Move from Washington to England and take a break from medical issues.
February 2, 2009 - Repeat ultrasound. Polyp/cyst found in uterus.
February 9, 2009 - Hysteroscopy eval - confirm uterine polyp.
February 23, 2009 - Hysteroscopy - remove 1.5cm uterine polyp - mid cycle spotting and period pains disappear.
April, 2009 - Hormonal labs AGAIN. Still normal.
June 4, 2009 - Hysterosalpingogram. Left tube's open, right tube's a mystery...
August 7, 2009 - D's 2nd "date" with cup - less than 2 million.
August 21, 2009 - Meet fertility specialist in Sweden. D's 3rd cup "date" shows NO sperm. Opt for IVF with ICSI and PESA.
October 7, 2009 - IVF circus begins with daily shots of 225IE Gonal-F
October 12, 2009 - First u/s showed 3 follicles on right side, leftie was hiding. Increase Gonal-F to 300IE and add Orgalutran to daily shots
October 16, 2009 - Second u/s showed 6 follicles on right and 2 on barely visible leftie.
October 18, 2009, 7.30pm - Trigger shot of Ovitrelle
October 20, 2009 - Egg retrieval - 8 mature eggs - and TESA since no sperm is found in epididymus using PESA
October 21, 2009 - 5 eggs fertilized :)
October 25, 2009 - 1 blastocyst embryo transferred "The Acrobat", 3 for the freezer (1 day 5, 2 day 6)
November 5, 2009 - BFP in spite of bleeding
November 19, 2009 - Spontaneous miscarriage confirmed at 6 weeks 2 days - completed December 7th
FET #1
February 19, 2010 - CD11 - ultrasound to check for lead follicle - 12.9mm right ovary
February 22, 2010, 10pm - CD14 - positive OPK
February 26, 2010 - CD18 - u/s and blood test confirms ovulation
February 28, 2010 - CD20 - transfer of Ice Skater, one day 6 blastocyst (day 5 blast didn't survive the thaw)
March 9, 2010 - 9dp5dt - Faintest of faint lines on HPT - Chemical?
March 11, 2010 - 11dp5dt - AF starts - BFN :(
March 30, 2010 - Transfer cancelled when our last blastocyst didn't survive the thaw.
July 6, 2010 - POAS when Bloody Monster is 7 days late - spontaneous BFP!!!
July 14, 2010 - 6w, Heart rate 118bpm, CRL 4.6mm, HCG > 100,000
July 29, 2010 - 8w, Weight 165lbs, Heart rate 173bpm, CRL 19mm
August 26, 2010 - 12w, Weight 164lbs, Heart rate 166bpm heard on doppler
September 24, 2010 - 16w, BP 123/78, Weight 168lbs, Heart Rate 140bpm, Cervical length > 5cm
October 28, 2010 - 21w Anatomy scan, Bubba is a boy! Heart rate 159bpm, Everything A+, Cervical length 3.5cm
November 8, 2010 - 22w4d, BP 128/66, Weight 172lbs, Heart Rate 153bpm, Fundal Height 25cm
December 9, 2010 - 27w, BP 123/70, Weight 178lbs, Heart Rate 150bpm, Fundal Height 28cm
January 6, 2011 - 30w, BP 119/69, Weight 180lbs, Heart Rate 153bpm, Fundal Height 33cm
January 27, 2011 - 34w, BP 123/71, Weight 181lbs, Heart Rate 148bpm, Fundal Height 36cm
February 10, 2011 - 36w, BP 119/78, Weight 183lbs, Heart Rate 142bpm, Fundal Height 37.5cm
February 24, 2011 - 38w, BP 125/83, Weight 182lbs, Heart Rate 140bpm, 1cm dialated, 75% effaced, Strep B negative.
February 27, 2011 - Baby Max "Bubba" is born at 23:29. Weight 7.38lbs - 3354g. Height 20.5" - 52cm.
Circus Princess - Yours truly
Diver Dude or D - My better half
Bubba - Our baby boy - born Feb 27, 2011
Kona - The Dogster
Athena - The Kitty
Sister - My only sibling
Mr. Sister - Brother-in-law married to Sister
Nephew - Sister and Mr. Sisters son (born in July -08)
Mini-man - Sister and Mr. Sisters second son - currently cooking
Mamma - Mom
Pappa - Dad
Farmor - Paternal grandmother, RIP Feb 13 2010
MOTHER - Mother-in-law
Hippie-Jew - Step-dad-in-law
Spoiled Brat - Youngest brother-in-law
Marie Antoinette - Sister-in-law
Billy-Bob - Marie Antoinette's middle son
The Professor - Marie Antoinette's youngest son
J-girl - Middle bonus-daughter
Snorkel Kid - J-girls husband and baby daddy
Froggy-boy - J-girls oldest son (born July -02)
Sta-Bas - J-girls middle son (born October -07)
Little Man Chevy - J-girls youngest son (born January -10)
Party Girl - Oldest bonus-daughter (lawyer)
Lost Girl - Estranged youngest bonus-daughter
Dr. Swedish - American OB/GYN at military hospital in England who spent time in Sweden w. his church
Lady Merlin - Our couples counselor
Nurse Inga - Awesome nurse at Fertility clinic in Sweden
Dr. Doodle - RE at Fertility clinic in Sweden (did ET at IVF#1)
Dr. Boss Lady - RE at Fertility clinic in Sweden (did ER at IVF#1)
Dr. Jaws - RE at Fertility clinic in Sweden (did ET at FET)
Mr. Circus Director - The guy upstairs, the decision maker and creative director