Monday 2 November 2009

To keep my mind off the spotting

I've watched all the recorded shows I missed while in Sweden. Worked hard on the non-profit magazine I art direct. Tinkered with a new logo for a friends company. Finished the book I was reading. And now I'm finally going to thank Kari for the award she gave me a couple of weeks ago. 

All we need is a little LOVE! This blog is about sisters uniting together and giving others some love because life is hard and who couldn't use a little love? The rules for this award is simple. 
I LOVE YOU = 8 letters which gives you 8 rules :)

Here are the rules:

1 Thank the person who nominated you for this award and write a little bit about why you love them.
2 Copy the logo and place it on your blog.

3 Link to the person who nominated you for this award.

4 Nominate no more than 17 people (why 17?) who you love or you think could use some love.

5 Write one word (you can only use a word once) about what you love about their blog.

6 You cannot nominate someone who has already been nominated-the love has to spread to all.

7 Post links to the 17 blogs you nominate.

8 Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they’ve been nominated.

Here we go:

Thank you Kari!! 
Through your creative and talented writing you always make me feel like I'm part of your journey. And your sweet and thoughful comments make me feel like you're part of mine. 

I'd like to nominate all the wonderful women whose stories I follow but I'll settle for four of them today:
Wishing4one - exotic
Raining Raining - honest

Now I'm going back to obsessing and worrying about the spotting. But first I'm taking my Dogster for a walk.


  1. LOL how did you know i was so exotic, LOLLLLLLLLLLL... I know, I know its my locale. Thanks a million circus princess, I am going to do this right now. You should be honored as I get these awards sometimes and am SO BAD in accepting them! xoxoxoxoxo

  2. Think positive thoughts!!!! BFP on the WAY!!!! Good vibes on the way.......


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