Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Keeping my fingers crossed while hugging my belly.

This will be a short post because the couch is screaming for me to come and lay down. Today was the big get-the-goods-out-day. And it was painful. Ouch! And double ouch for the Hubster! D ended up having a TESA instead of a PESA because they couldn't find any swimmers in his epididdythingy. They had to poke his boys six times to get what they were looking for. Not a nice surprise and all we can do is hope and pray that the swimmers they found in his testies will be up for the job. 

The retrieval would have been amazing if only I hadn't been the one in the stirrups. We got to see the follies being emptied on the u/s screen and then the eggs on a live feed from the lab. Well, D saw it all, I was busy trying to breathe and ignore the intense pressure/pain in my abdomen. They did give me some happy juice before they started but not nearly enough. And by the end of the procedure the Juice-nurse was practically sitting on my belly trying to push down my uncooperative left ovary and hence couldn't administer more drugs for practical reasons. Dr. Boss Lady was determined and didn't give up on my leftie. Both our procedures took less than half an hour and we both lived to tell the story. And they got eight eggs! YAY!

This afternoon they were introduced to each other and tomorrow morning we'll find out how many fertilized... or if we don't hear anything we'll know five or more made it. If five or more fertilize we'll do a day five transfer, if less make it we'll transfer on Thursday. So let's hope we don't hear a peep. My inside is bubbling with so many emotions I don't quite know how to deal with it. Just trying to quiet all the negative thoughts, relax and breathe. Repeat mantra and picture beautiful cells dividing. Make magic, little acrobats, make magic!


  1. My fingers are crossed for you that they all divide and do well.

  2. can you see me waving my magic wand ! I will be thinking & praying for you !

  3. I hope those embies grow like crazy! I'll be waiting for the updates!

  4. Holy cow, you were awake for ER??? I've always been completely knocked out for all 4 of mine. You're brave my friend!

    Come on eggies, fertilize and divide!

  5. Here is to magic happening!!

  6. Thinking happy egg and sperm thoughts here!!!


  7. I'm so excited for you! However, I can't believe you were awake for the ET!! YIKES! Brave woman! At least you and your DH were equal on the pain scale. That doesn't happen often!

    I hope you are able to relax and take it easy for a day or so.

  8. Durr..I mean ER not ET. ET will be a piece of cake for you! LOL!

  9. Sending positive, happy, fruitful vibes out into the universe for you! :)

  10. Keeping my fingers and everything else crossed for you. Get some sleep tonight!

  11. I second the previous posters! Holy moly, you were awake?? They always knock us out in the U.S. That's so cool, though, that a loopy you and DH got to watch!

    How many of those eggies were from leftie??

  12. I'm hoping for a good fert rate! I hope that you and hubby's recovery goes smoothly!

  13. Trust me if I had the choice I would've preferred to be knocked out... but I actually feel completely fine now, no pain at all. Amazing.

    Lara, they got 5 eggs from the right ovary and 3 from my "bonus" leftie :-)

    Thank you all for your positive thoughts and well wishes, it means so much to me!


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