Saturday 20 February 2010

A gold star for my follie

I'm so proud of my A+ follie that behaved like a champ for Dr. Doodle yesterday. Luckily the lead follicle is on the right side since my leftie was her usual shy, hiding self. It measured 13mm on CD 11, and I officially started OPKing this morning (unofficially I have been peeing on sticks since CD9). Hoping to see that Smiley Face* tomorrow morning! I'm supposed to call the clinic when I get a positive, come back two days later to check that I actually ovulated, and 6 days after positive I'll be boarding one of our little ice skaters. FET au naturel is da shit!
I asked Dr. Doodle about the quality of our blasts and he smiled and said "they're as good as they get, you were really lucky to get four excellent blasts". He also told me they're very picky with the blasts they freeze because they want to keep their FET success rates as good as the fresh cycle. Music to my ears!

I feel surprisingly hopeful about this cycle. Relaxed, happy and optimistic. I am however well aware that in this circus things happen fast and that being thrown between extreme emotions without warning is more a rule than exception, so all I can do is enjoy this current peace of mind :)

Hanging out with Louise-in-the-middle was awesome. We had lunch, did some retail therapy and she came with me to my appointment. Our conversation flowed easily about everything from olympic medals, new donor lists and tougher topics like our resent losses. It's so rare to talk to somebody that actually understands and I cherished every moment. Thank you L, for an awesome day!

Last night we got another feet of snow so I've spent the morning shoveling snow. Who needs aerobics or step when you've got snow! Expecting a very sore upper body tomorrow :)

*LH surge on Clearblue's OPKs


  1. go princess go! I'm very, very happy and hopeful for/with you.

    greetings from a snow free springtime Ireland


  2. Very happy about the follicle!! That's what you need, and I'm definitely going to ask my clinic if they would do a FET au naturelle for me too. Can't wait to hear my friend, Fran

  3. Yipee for the ease of an FET!! I hope things continue to sail smoothly along and your little ice skater nestles snugly in for 9 months!! :)

  4. Great news about the follie!! I hope this cycle is the one for you ;)

  5. Go follie go!! I hope the week falls into place just like you're hoping and that you little ice skater continus his/her "excellent" status for 9 more months!

  6. Awesome gold star folly indeed! So exciting this is your cycle girl. Snow, we had 90F here today!!!!xoxox

  7. Sounds great! Definitely a gold star for your follie.

    Take care!

  8. Yay for the gold star! It's so sweet that you get to do a natural FET. Crossing all of my fingers for you!

  9. Sounds like things are going really well so far!! And I'm so glad to hear that your au naturel FET is so easy! I bet your little ice skater is getting really excited about snuggling in to his/her new home!

  10. Fantastic news about your follie!!


  11. Yay! That all sounds great, and so nice and straightforward. I'm really hoping this little ice skater snuggles in well and is still around to be a contender for the 2030 winter Olympics x

  12. It was wonderful to see you, it made it so much easier to be down with the flu now! I just hope I didn't give it to you. Fill up on vitamins, to make sure, okay!
    Go follie, go!

  13. Wonderful! So glad to hear about your picture perfect Olympian ice skaters!

  14. keeping everything crossed for you!!

  15. Best of luck on the natural FET! I'm having my first one in April, and am nervous as all get out. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!


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