Thursday 18 February 2010


I'm in Sweden. And they weren't kidding when they said they've got a ton of snow. Holy cow. And it's frickin' cold. Brrrrr!

Tomorrow afternoon is the appointment at the clinic to check for a lead follicle and decide when it's time to start peeing on a stick (like I haven't done that obsessively the past 3 days to make sure I don't miss a freakishly early LH surge) -Please, work with me here dear body!

Also, I've got a rare treat to look forward to. Louise-in-the-middle is coming down from The Big City to meet me in Gothenburg. I'm so excited to see her and look forward to a fun day together. I love it when last minute plans turn into something great.

Right now my pillow is whispering my name seductively and I can't wait put my head on it. Being up since 4 in the morning is not my cup o' tea :)



  1. I'm in Sweden, too! Okay, not really. Just reading a Kurt_Wallander mystery by Henning_Mankell, that takes place in Sweden. Almost like being there.

  2. Wishing you tons of luck for a behaving lead follie and a well-timed LH surge! Only a week or so until your totsicle is snuggled in tight!

  3. Wishing you good luck for your appointment tomorrow. Keep warm.. brrrr!

  4. BRRR!!! I'm cold just from your description! I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma passing. She sounds like she was a special person. I hope you get some good news on the FET front tomorrow.

    Take care.

  5. Good luck with your appointment. I hope all goes well :)

  6. Lots of luck! Nice to have a visit from a good friend.

  7. Come hop over to Cairo we have like 85F today. I hope your appt goes well and keep warm girl. xoxoxox

  8. Good luck - hope all went well with your appointment this morning, and have fun with Louise-in-the-Middle - it's great when a plan comes together like that. x

  9. Thinking of you my friend!! Pretty cold in Dublin too, it was snowing this morning! Not long until your little one(s) will be on board! Fran

  10. Good luck at your appointment. Try to stay warm.

  11. I know this is probably not want you want to hear but it is bloody boiling here in Melbourne - freaking summer seems to be going on forever! It would be nice if we were between your weather and our weather - that would be perfecto!

    Hope everything is going well with the FET!!

    All the best.

  12. Thanks for a great day! It was sooo good to see you!
    My trip back was uneventful, which was good! The only thing is I had booked my ride home on a regular train, a blessing in disguise perhaps since it's the fast trains that they have the most trouble with... this train went over Örebro and Västerås which takes a lot longer and no internet in 1st Class... but it stopped in "Sumpan" so I didn't have to take the subway all the way back... :)
    *** Behave follicle, behave!!! ***


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