Tuesday 23 February 2010

Smile, you're on CD 15!

CD 14 - 6am - Negative
CD 14 - 4pm - Negative... Is that second line getting darker?
CD 14 - 10pm - POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!
And this morning I confirmed with the fancy-schmancy test and was greated by a smiley face!

Thank you ladies for all your encouraging words and advise, you helped me stay on the saner side of crazy :) Funny what stress can do to you, I don't think I have ever ovulated this late, day 14 has always been O-day for me.

I have my next u/s to check lining on Friday and if all looks good in baby-ville the transfer will happen Monday afternoon. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

I'm now back to thinking FET au naturel is da bomb!


  1. Deep sigh. So glad you made it through another day.


  2. Excellent my friend!! I knew it was just a matter of time! Everything crossed for you and the ice-skaters! Fran

  3. Yipee!! Hooray for big 'ol Mr. Smiley face!! Hoping things look a-okay Friday and Monday is smooth sailing for the little ice skater!! :)

  4. Woot woot! Glad your follie is behaving! I'm sending tons of Olympic vibes across the Atlantic to your little ice skater to win a gold medal!

  5. Oh Awesome. I'm glad you can finally exhale and start looking forward to this FET!

  6. Woohoo! That is just the prettiest little smiley-face I've ever seen!

    Will be thinking of you Monday, hoping your FET goes perfectly and that this is the tiny acrobat who will stick!!!

    (And yeah. I'm thinking I could do an FET if I didn't have to do any of the crazy-drugs that made me hate IVF!)

  7. Great news!!! I hope this FET does the trick!!!!

  8. Hip Hip Hooray for a smily face!!! Hope your u/s is perfect.

    Everything crossed and lots of prayers for you!!!!

  9. Yeah yeah yeah!!!!! Crossing it all girl!

  10. Phhheeeww! What a relief! Great news..

  11. Yay for smiley faces! And I'm keeping everything crossed for you and your little ice skater that everything goes smoothly next week and it snuggles in well. x

  12. I love getting that smiley face, it is so mych better than those darn unconvincing lines.

  13. So exciting! Good luck with your upcoming transfer. At my last FET last January, I became pg with twins! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I just added you on! Now following. Happy ICLW! (Stress Free Infertility)

  14. Fingers crossed for a smooth transfer of those little ice-skaters!! Here's hoping it'll add some new performers to the circus.
    HopelesslyTTC (MFI)


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