Thursday, 10 December 2009

A friend in need

A RL-friend of mine, the only one that knows about this blog, is in need of some love and support today. 

Louise-in-the-middle and her man went through a DE IVF beginning of November and she had two perfect little embabies put back. She was thrilled to get a BFP that was followed by two consecutive perfectly rising HCGs. We were all hoping the high numbers indicated twins. She recently had a couple of bleeding/spotting episodes but kept her spirits and hopes high. This morning was her first u/s. Unfortunately they could not locate any embryo in uterus. She is now waiting to get confirmation of her loss with a repeat HCG test.

Her blog is written in swedish but she's fluent in english and could sure use a virtual hug and some kind words of comfort!

Louise, nästa gång är det vår tur. Stor kram till dej! 


  1. Thanks, sweetheart! It means a lot to me!

  2. Sending good thoughts to your friend.

  3. Louise, I'm so sorry - I have no words to comfort you, but I'm thinking of you and sending virtual hugs.

  4. Popping over there now to give her some Sass love.

    I have a Google translator thingy that translates foreign languages to English to, so I'll be able to understand too!
    It's computer speaks Swedish too!

    Sending you love too honey.

  5. i will go over and give her some support. first, i wanted to thank you for all the love and support that you have spread through the blogoshpere. it means more than you will ever know.


Talk to me. Hug me. Spank me. Whatever, just comment.